Choose us
Elite proxies & Spoofed servers.
No logs are kept.
No email is needed.
All data is encrypted, everything is
coded with privacy and security in mind.
Custom origin, useragent, request type only a tiny part of the options. From automating/scheduling attacks and controlling the number of concurrents for each to a custom header for masking your attack on the website's backend - we've got you covered.
Powerful dedicated servers with high bandwidth make your attack as stable and efficient as possible. We only use self-coded methods and always update them when new protection is available.
Our service is very stable and rarely experiences technical problems. Uptime is about 99.8%, and our support staff is always ready to help you in any difficult situation.


Modern and evolving LAYER 7 ddos attack methods
Every method has its own wide range of use. We don't provide useless ones which never come into play
We use valid HTTP requests to bypass a vast range of firewalls, rate-limits and produce more load on the target.
Our methods are able to bypass ANY JS Challenges as well as country blocks, custom protections/rules, buttons, rate-limits, CAPTCHA and more.
Smart Content-Type for POST data and customizable Host header to mask attacks on a backend.
Randomized strings and numbers are supported eveywhere: URIs / Post-Data / Cookies, etc.

Powerful Layer 4 Network
While we have our effective custom L4 methods, we offer you unique option of building your very own one.
Own Power, Private Bypass methods
Custom origin, source port, TCP/UDP Payload, TCP Flags and much more!
API support allows providing created methods in your DDoS service/stresser/booter/program.
High-Quality spoofed servers ensure attack stability and power to make strongest impact on your target.
Just some numbers.
15 May 2019
Below we’ve provided answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions about our STRESSER APPLICATION/BOOTER. If you have any other questions, please get in touch.
What is a
An is a specialized tool that you can use to test your's or your company's website or server for vulnerabilities in its DDoS Protection, bot flood, or simulate high traffic.
What payment methods do you accept?
We do only accept cryptocurrencies, and no such option as PayPal provided. However, you can exchange your PayPal balance to crypto with a variety of options available on the web.
Cryptocurrencies we currently support: Bitcoin(BTC) | Ethereum(ETH) | Litecoin(LTC)
Do you keep logs?
We take your privacy seriously and don't keep any logs. Stress them all as you want.
Can I attack government or banks' websites?
Sadly, we do not allow attacking government, bank, or educational websites. If you are the owner of one of those, contact us to prove your ownership and permission to stress test it or check for blacklist and add if necessary.
We pride on being one of the most privacy-respectful stress testing services out there, as well as one of the most secure.
We don't keep IP logs, we don't ask for email, and we don't invade your privacy with tracking systems.
Passwords are hashed&salted using blowfish, and everything has been coded with privacy and security in mind.
Besides, we have never been breached or suffered from any kind of leak.
In the form of payment, we use a proven service each user receives the desired package with two confirmations on the blockchain, usually within 15-30 minutes from the moment of purchase.
For privacy and security, we only accept cryptocurrency (no, we don't accept PayPal!).
If you don't have cryptocurrency, you can buy it from
It is very difficult to give specific figures, as they depend on many factors, such as the place where it was tested, and the state of the network at the moment, as well as how fresh the proxies are right now.
We also don't want to do false advertising and giving exaggerated or misleading numbers (as many do).
That said, we guarantee a minimum of 500k+ pps per concurrent for Layer 4 (the Gbps will depend on the method) and minimum 500rqps of valid, full HTTP requests(usually much more at around 1500-5500 rqps) which produce high load on webserver with low request count, unlike "Socket HTTP Flood" method advertised by majority of other stressers. Socket Flood is a method that is very easy to filter (and it uses many rqps for each IP!) and its requests are extremely lightweight and don't produce decent load on a server making it great for showing 50000 rqps on dstat but weak/ineffective against actual targets. We, on the other hand, use as low as 2-3 rqps per each IP by default, and can go as low as 0.1 rqps/IP to bypass extreme ratelimits and still overload the webserver.
Power for each concurrent is dedicated (for example, 5 concurrents deliver 5 times more pps/rqps than 1).
We focus on providing methods that are capable of bypass the most popular DDoS protections and any JS challenges.
Some of the protections supported are: Cloudflare (free-enterprise), CloudFlare UAM (Under Attack Mode), Cloudflare Captcha (hcaptcha & recaptcha), Sucuri, Stormwall, Amazon CDN Cloudfront, Imperva Incapsula, Akamai, Fastly, Blazingfast,, Qrator, Arvan Cloud and ANY other automatic browser verification protection. In addition we also bypass geo-block based protections for most countries, ratelimit based protections, cookie based protections and referer based protections. For Layer 4 we bypass most popular server hostings (Digital Ocean, Hetzner, Amazon AWS (most of), Google Cloud (most of), Linode, Maxihost, OVH (some)) and many others.
How long does it take to activate my plan?
Every user gets the desired package at the two confirmations on the blockchain, usually within 30 minutes.
Do you offer Free packages?
No. We do not provide free packages.
But we can provide several test attacks for you.
Please contact us!
What does Bypass scale represent in plans' specifications?
It represents approximate percentage of websites which protection can be bypassed with features and methods included with the particular plan.
Can I upgrade my plan?
Yes. Please contact us!